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join the frontline
of the climate resistance

climate action

tap into your power with a few seconds a day

the climate army
led by activists, backed by science

the climate army
led by activists, backed by science

chilli is the world's first climate activism app.

if you care about climate change and are ready to do something about it, this is your shot.

on chilli, you answer the call of grassroots climate activists and scientists by taking simple, 30-second digital actions every day.

each action is personalised and strategically designed to influence decision makers to take immediate action to combat climate change.

join us to put pressure in the right place and build a better future for us all.

meet people who want the same things

we don't let eco-anxiety take over us. we fight and build a better future with our own hands.

on chilli you'll meet people advocating for ambitious climate solutions. like ending the fossil fuel era. and composting in every city. and banning forever plastics. and carbon taxes. and renewable energy grids. we are 10k+ every day people who care about the planet deeply and are ready to collectively organise to protect it.

oh, and we have fun doing it.

around the world

Activism at your FINGERTIPS

Looking for a way to get involved without the endless doom scroll required from your favorite platforms? Look no further. Here, actionable climate movements are coagulated with passionate activists ready at the hilt.Brava to the developers and team. I’m along for the ride.



Small commitment, big world impact

I love how easy it is to make massive impact. Makes the process of contacting representatives and board members of large corporations much simpler.I get to learn about the biggest world problems and have a quick way to take meaningful action.


if you believe in climate change you should get it

It makes activism so easy by just spreading awareness and calling out people who can make change by simply signing petitions and sending autogenerated emails and comments


Be a voice for global change

With user-friendly features and a diverse community, it fosters a sense of collective impact. Its intuitive interface enhances accessibility, making it a potent tool for positive change. Through Chili, individuals can engage with key challenges, making it an invaluable resource for those passionate about addressing world problems.

The Running Educator

Love this app!!

I love that this is a free, low-effort way to have an impact. For those who don’t have much time or money to spare, take some of these simple actions instead. It’s as easy as sending an auto-generated email or signing a petition in most cases. This is how we can have power while sparing our own resources.


A better world

Delighted with this application which can make change, which will shake things up. I feel useful individually by associating with good collective causes. I highly recommend!


Engage simply and effectively

The app is simple, perfect for being active and has the right agenda on climate topics

I recommend !


The best app for making a concrete commitme

Great app to get involved a little bit very concretely every day.



I adore this!

It's simple, super well thought out and quick.

And effective. The application also gives us news when campaigns win.

Congratulations to the team and activists!



Demand for change easily!

The app is super intuitive and offers great direct and concrete actions that are super easy to carry. I highly recommend!



A daily reminder of our power

This app allows me to help my community, country, and world from my phone. taking just minutes to send mass emails, sign petitions, etc. what an easy and accessible way to spread the words and make change happen!!!

ryan ashlee

30 seconds well spent daily!

I love how easy it is to have impact through simple actions very day. Well done to the team behind it for building such a great product and genuine community of people who want to make our world better and cleaner

Alice Def

Actually a good app

I wasn’t expecting much but this actually a pretty great idea, it simplifies an extremely long process and makes it much easier to at least let people know that you have a voice.

doesnt rate

I feel alive with this climate community 🙏

I’m now part of a community of like-minded individuals who care deeply about the planet. I'm constantly learning and taking action alongside passionate activists and scientists. Big oil, here we come!


Climate action has never been easier

This app makes climate change action so so easy! you just have to press 3 buttons and you've sent an email or left a comment bringing awareness to climate change! Also their privacy policy is all in check!


Useful, intuitive and motivating app!

Great to finally have an app to guide us and help us act in favor of the environment, especially with such an easy-to-use interface! Campaigning from your couch is now possible and everyone should use it!! The community is great, it gives hope!



It's your turn!

With Chilli we take action without realizing it! It's super intuitive and easy to use. And all for a good cause! Save our planet 🌍

The first social network for ecological activism!!



The activism app

An ultra-useful, intuitive app to take part in mobilization actions proposed by members.



this feels like a climate army!

imagine hundreds of people acting all together against the corporations killing our planet. and the whole thing takes like three seconds a day! yes! the army is forming!



protest while brushing my teeth!

I can't always join climate protests, so this is such a great way for me to join in and be part of the movement with just a few minutes in the day. I couldn't have invented this app myself, but I'm so glad it exists!



all set to take climate action? power, in your hands